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Volkswagen & Audi 
Special Service Tool Reference

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NOTE: This page is for reference only. To see a page with prices click here. This page is here to help you identify VW-Audi special service tools you may need, or old tools you may find. Many of the older tools are no longer available. This table is not complete. We are adding numbers as time and information becomes available. We do not guarantee this information is 100% accurate. Please consult your factory service information for the application to your car. Please email us for a quote on any VW-Audi hand tool
Last Update: March 25, 2024
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Tool #
Volkswagon - Audi Special Tools
Tool number reference table. 
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Fog light adjuster. VW Golf III and Vento. All VW-Audi with Tri-wing, 6mm screws. Similar to old tool PP 15-250-300.

V159 Pin Wrench for timing belt tension. (Same as HZ2587)

V-170 V/170 Puller Hooks w/Tensioner
V172 Hooks for Kukko 21-10
see KK
V/176 Ball Joint Extractor. 25mm fork, deep throat.
V182 .
V183 Bit Insert

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VW113 This set is for Type 1 + Type 2 VW Front Wheel Bearing Adjustment. Made by MATRA. At one time Matra was the official supplier of tools to Volkswagen. These are flat thin 27mm wrenches. About 9-1/4" long (235mm).

VW123c/1 Volkswagen Matra VW123c/1 Piston Ring Compressor 85.5mm to 86.5mm Piston, Type 3 VW Square Back and Fast Back,  Marked 5375.

Connecting Rod Bolt Socket 8mm Hex Key with 1/2" drive, some cars.  And front torsion bar center locks.

Cylinder Head Bolt Socket 10mm Hex Key for Type 1 VW. With 1/2" drive, 80mm long. Matra Made in Germany. Also marked 37B

VW160 Radio Removal Clips
VW161 A Circlip Pliers
VW190 Arbor
VW191 Arbor
VW195 Arbor
VW201 Puller - Oil Pump, also drive flange on transmission. NOTE: Some later versions are supplied with 2 T-handles.

( Picture 2( Picture 3( Picture 4( Picture 5)
VW204 B Arbor
VW207 Drift, Pistol Pin
VW210 Gauge Belt Tensioner
VW215 C Flywheel Retainer
VW222 A Pilot Drift
VW228 B Puller
VW240 A Driver
VW244 B Driving Sleeve
VW248 Drift
VW261 Protractor
VW267 A Removal Tool-Ball Joint
VW278 B Wrench
VW284 Driver/Sleeve
VW293 .
VW294 B Shift Fork Fixture Set (11 PC)

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VW294 B-1 Lock Device
VW294 B-2 Set-Up Plate
VW294 B-3 Set Of Four Studs - 116 MM
VW294 B-4 Set Of Four Studs - 106.6 MM
VW294 B-5 Spacer
VW294 B-6 Spacer, Inner-77 MM
VW294 B-7 Adjustment Ring
VW294 B-8 Mounting Ring
VW294 B-9 Adapter Ring-5.4 MM
VW294 B-10 Adjustment Spacer
VW295 Needle Bearing Drift
VW295 A Needle Bearing Drift
VW296 Removal Tool
VW307 A Holding Fixture
VW307 A-7 Locking Flywheel
VW309 Holding Plate
VW313 Holding Fixture
VW340 Spring Compressor
VW340-5 dapter
VW340-6 Thread Rods
VW340-7 Hooks, Long
VW351 Holding Appliance
VW352 Adapter
VW352-4 A Strap
VW353 Transmission Support
VW381 Ring & Pinion Tool Set, Type 2
VW381-3 A Spindle
VW381-5 A Clamping Piece
VW381-7 Push On Pin
VW381-8 Bridge
VW381-11 Locking Bar
VW381-13 Extension Pin 52MM
VW381-14 Special Wrench
VW381-15 Special Wrench
VW382 Special Socket&Measuring Tools
VW382-3 Clamping Piece
VW382-6 Special Wrench
VW382-7 Measuring Bar. Volkswagen Peiseler VW382/7 Measuring Bar. Used with your dial indicator to measure the Drive Flange Depth. Also used to measure the cylinder head gasket thickness on Vanagon Diesel.


VW382-8 Extension Pin, 22MM
VW382-10 Extension Pin, 6MM
VW385-1 Measuring Bar
VW385-1-3 Plastic Piece
VW385-2 Centering Disc, 61MM DIA.
VW385-3 Centering Disc, 69MM
VW385-4 Centering Disc, 75/74 MM
VW385-13 Measuring Pin-19MM
VW385-14 Measuring Rod-30MM
VW385-15 Extension Pin 9.3MM
VW385-16 Extension Pin 12.3MM

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VW385-17 Magnetic Plate 50MM DIA.
VW385-19 Spring Support
VW385-20 Extension Pin 3MM
VW385-22 Setting Gauge
VW385-25 Setting Gauge
VW385-28 Setting Gauge
VW385-30 Master Gauge-Adjustable. Needed to set the position of the pinion bearing. 

VW385-32 End Gauge
VW385-33 End Gauge
VW385-40 Box For Universal Mandrel Set
VW386 A Clamping Piece
VW387 Dial Gauge Holder
VW388 Measuring Lever
VW391 Puller
VW401 Thrust Plate for manual transmission work,etc.
VW402 Thrust Plate for manual transmission work, etc.
Part Description
VW407 Punch. Outer race of taper roller bearing. Press wheel hub. 267mm Long.
VW408 A Punch, Press out drive pinion shaft on manual transmission.
VW409 Punch, Main shaft into clutch gear, etc. for manual transmission work.
VW411 Punch
VW412 Thrust Disc
VW415 A Tube, 60 MM DIA.
VW416 B Tube, 37 MM DIA.
VW418 A Tube, 31.5MM DIA.
VW420 Tube, 28 MM DIA., 210 MM
VW421 Press Piece Made in Germany by Peiseler . The big end is 28mm diameter , length is 100mm.

For shock absorber eye bushing.
Steering damper Bushing
Remove 3rd gear from main shaft, synchromesh
Install Clutch Pedal Shaft Bushings
Install ball bearing on commutator side of generator

For lower king pin bushing.

VW422 Tube, Split
VW423 Sleeve
VW426 Tube Trans. Drive Shaft
VW428 A Guide Tube
VW429 Thrust Ring
VW431 Thrust Pad 16.5/28MM DIA.
VW432 Arbor 50 MM Diameter bushing press. Press in rubber bushing of the control arm. Install bonded bushing in the wheel bearing housing. Install rear drum inner bearing race.  Made by Peiseler of Germany.

VW433 Thrust Pad, CON. 8/65
VW434 Arbor
VW436 A Guide Pin
VW439 Guide Pin
VW440 Support Ring

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VW441 Base Block
VW442 Thrust Pad
VW447 H Thrust Pad
VW447 I Thrust Pad
VW454 Thrust Tube
VW455 Thrust Tube
VW456 A Gear Carrier Support (3PC)
VW457 Support Channels
VW458 Thrust Plate
VW459 Press Appliance
VW460-3 Press Fixture
VW463-2 Split Tube
VW470 Thrust Ring
VW471 Peening Tool
VW472 Thrust Piece & Sleeve
VW473 Thrust Piece
VW474 Thrust Pad
VW508 Thrust Pad
VW510 Thrust Pad
VW511 Thrust Pad
VW512 Thrust Pad
VW516 Tube, 42 MM DIA.
VW517 Threaded Spindle
VW519 Sleeve
VW521-4 Locking Sleeve
VW521-7 Bushing 26 / 28 MM

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VW521-8 Bushing 26 / 30 MM
VW522 Sleeve-Press Tool
VW524 Wrench - Two Pin Spanner ( see HAZET 2593-4)
VW540 Engine Holding Fixture. boxed 385mm x 250mm x 390mm. Used with 313 Bench Clamp. The VW540 has been discontinued.
VW540-1B Spacers, 100mm long. 
VW540-2 Plate, 160mm long.
VW541 Valve Spring Tensioner (3PC)
VW541-1A Lever
VW541-2 Bar
VW541-3 Base Plate
VW541-5 Valve Spring Tensioner
VW542 Guide Piece
VW544 Y-Hook spanner Wrench ,Automatic gearbox
VW545 Drift
VW545-2 Adapter
VW546 Tappet Tensioner-spring compesssor, to be used with 10-208 shim pliers.
VW547 Clutch Pilot Disc
VW548 Clamping Piece
VW549 A Measuring Mandrel
VW551 Oil Seal Driver
VW552 Tensioner Hooks (2)
VW554 Arbor, Thrust Piece
VW558 Flywheel Lock Adapter
VW637-2 Grease Cap Puller
VW674-2 Socket Wrench - R&R Switches
VW681 Extractor Lever
VW771 Slide Hammer-Complete Set
VW771-1 Slide Hammer
VW771-13 Pulling Hook
VW771-14 Bushing
VW771-15 Threaded Piece
VW771-37 Additional Part For VW771
VW785-1B Transmission Support
VW792 Installation Arbor
VW801 Holding Fixture
VW802 Stop Bar
Part Description

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10-201 Flywheel Retainer
10-202 Puller
10-203 Oil Seal Driver
10-204 Valve Stem Seal installer, See New Number US5042.
10-205 Mounting Sleeve
10-206 Drift
10-208A Disk Pliers
10-212 Storage Tray
10-213A .
10-215 .
10-221 Extractor
10-222A Engine Support Bridge
10-222A/1 Bracket For Engine, 13" length
10-222A/2 Additional Hooks.
10-222A/3 Engine Support Adaptor Tube, 10-222A/4 Engine support 15" length
10-222A-5 Adaptor Plates, 11" length
10-222A-6 L Bracket, Set of 2, 19" length
10-222A-7 Rod and Hooks, 20" length
10-222A-8 Engine Support Feet, 9" length
Set of 1 brackets, 1 spinner nut,  and 1 Rod with Hook, 21" length. Order 2 of number 10-222A/10.
10-222A-11 .
10-222A-12 .
10-508 Assembly Mandrel
10-9 Assembly Ring
Part Number Description

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2003 Seal Installer .
2003-1 Seal Press Sleeve .
2003/2A Seal Press Sleeve. Used to install Crankshaft Oil Seal on Flywheel Side of 1.6L and 1.8L engines.  Used with 2003/1.
2003-3 Seal Installer .
2004 Gearbox Holder .
2005 Punch .
2006A Thrust Ring .
2007 Thrust Pad .
2008A Tray .
2010 Sleeve .
2011 Support Bridge .
2012A Wrench .
2024A Engine Sling .
2024A/1 Bracket for engine sling. Part of superseded 2024B set.

2026 Mandrel .
2033 Arbor .
2036 Adjustable Rod .
2037 Valve Spring Compressor .
2038 Limit Gauge .
2039 Press Tool .
2040 Press Tube .
2050 Thrust Plate .
2051 Arbor .
2052 Holding Fixture .
2054 Thrust Plate .
2055 Sleeve .
2056 Mandrel .
2058 Sleeve .
2062 Driver .
2064 Lock Pin Diesel Injection Pump.

2065A Camshaft Setting Bar for Diesel Engine Timing.

2066 Dial Gauge Adapter .
2066-5 Extension Pin 100MM .
2068A Adj. Gauge TDC .
Tube socket 2069 or  40-201B. Size 28mm with 1/2" Drive. Shock absorber cartride Audi 80 since '92, Audi 90 since '87.

2069A Tube Socket 33mm for Shock Cartridge removal,  33mm. Ship 5 pounds

2070 Spring Strut Compressor .
2070-1 Shock Support Tool .
2073 Gearshift Gauge .
2074 Installation Mandrel .
2075 Heater Claw .
2076A Heater Template .
2078 Tappet Tensioner .
2079 Wrench .
2080A Sleeve .
2082 Installation Mandrel .
2084 Counter Holder .
2085 Seal Puller - General Useage .
2085-1 Adapter .
2086 Extractor hook, for removing oil seal from 5 cylinder engine. .
2587 Special Wrench .
30-4 Pressure Cap .
30-11 Thrust Pad .
30-14 Sleeve .
30-20 Drive Sleeve .
30-21 Sleeve .
30-22 Guide Sleeve .
30-23 Press Tube .
30-24 Drift .
30-100 Press Tube .
30-204 Installing Ring .
30-205 Thrust Pad .
30-207 Puller-Rillex V12-2 (special order from Germany) .
30-211A Bracket .
30-212 Drift .
30-504 Thrust Pad .
30-506B Press Support for installing pinion needle bearing in Gear Carrier housing for 4 and 5 speed manual transmission type 091/1 or 094.
30-555 Thrust Pad .
3005 Thrust Pad .
3013 Seal Driver .
3014 Gearshift Gauge .
3015 Reamer .
3016 Speedometer Drive Wrench .
3017A Rear Shock Absorber Strut Wrench, Passat, (HZ 2593Lg-17) .
3019A Headlight Washer Aiming Tool .
3021 Protractor .
3022 Clamping Device .
3026 Mandrel .
3028 Retainer .
3032 Puller .
3032-9A . .
3034 Puller .
3035 Injector Line Wrench (HAZET 4560) .
3036 Retainer Wrench, 380mm long. 
3038 Special Wrench. Used to adjust the shift fork for the 5th Gear of manual transmission. Outside diameter of the tube 16mm. Length 70mm. With 2 small tabs about 3mm wide.

3039 Sleeve .
3040 Special Wrench .
3042 Puller .
3046 Puller .
3047A Slide Hammer .
3048 Gauge - Gearshift Linkage
3049A Exhaust Spring Clamp Spreader.
3051 Press Tool .
3052 Adapter .
3053 Guide Tube .
3054 . .
3057 Shift Gauge-No Longer Available .
3058 Engine Support .
3059 Special Wrench. Volkswagen 3059 Wrench for Shift Fork of 5th Gear 5 Speed 020 Gearbox. This is an old tool made by Peiseler. For manual transmission as found on old Golf, GTI, and Jetta from the 1980's and 1990's. Outside diameter of the tube is 16mm. Overall the tool is about 87mm (3-7/16") Long.
3060 Gauge (2) .
3062 Thrust Pad .
3066 Seal Installer Set - Rear Diff .
3066-1 Thrust Pad - Differential Seal .
3066-2 . .
3067 Flywheel Retainer .
3070 Guide Pins & Handle-11, 12 MM .
3070-7 Guide Pins - 11 MM X 1.5P .
3070-9 Guide Pins 12MM .
3072 Tensioner Rear Lid Springs
3075 Locking Bar .
3076 Locking Bar .
3077 Socket 19MM .
3078 Special Wrench 22MM .
3079 Counter Holder .
3083 Arbor .
3084 Protractor .
3084-1 Magnetic Base .
3086 Installation Mandrel .
3087 Wrench .
3088 Arbor .
3090 Connecting Rod Support .
3091 Mandrel .
3092 Puller .
3093 . .
3094 . .
3096 Bushing Mandrel .
3097 Spreading Tool .
3098 Lever - Camber Adjustment .
3099 Spur Belt Spreading .
3102 Holding Retainer - 1.9L Engine .
3104 Gearshift Gauge. Discontinued. 3104 Gearshift Linkage Gauge for manual 020 transmission. Made by SALTUS in Germany.

Volkswagen 3104 Gearshift
                        Gauge - Samstag Sales
3106 . .
3107 Pry Hook .
3109 Puller .
3110 Press Support .
3111 Bushing Press .
3111-1 . .
3111-2 . .
3111-3 . .
3111-4 . .
3111-5 Supplementary Kit To 3111 .
3111-6 Supplementary Kit To 3111 .
3111-7 Supplementary Kit To 3111 .
3111-8 Supplementary Kit To 3111 .
3111-9 Supplementary Kit To 3111 .
3111-10 Supplementary Kit To 3111 .
3111-11 Compression Disk .
3111-12 Compression Bushing .
3112 T Wrench 13MM .
3113A . .
3114 Door Augment Device .
3114-2 Replacement Stud (8MM/10MM) .
3115 Spanner Wrench .
3116 Clamping Sleeve .
3117 Spring Retainer .
3118 Press Support .
3120 Reamer - 7MM .
3121 Drift .
3122B Spark Plug Removal Tool .
3123 Backing Plate .
3124 Thrust Pad .
3125-5 Replacement Tips For 3125 .
3125A Windshield Washer Aiming Tool .
3126 Wedge-Roof Molding Install .
3128 Bushing Puller .
3128-1A Installation Piece .
3129 Seal Driver .
3132 Retainer .
3134 Adjusting Lever - Rear Toe .
3136 Pinion Wrench. To remove pinion nut found in the final drive at the front. - No Longer Available

3138 Drift .
3139 Alignment Fixture - 4W Dr. Shaft .
3139-3 . .
3140A Wedge Set .
Part Description
3141 'T'-Handle - Install Front Shocks
3142 Seal Driver- Drive Shaft Flange
3143 Seal Driver- Front Wheel Bearing
3144 Press Support - R&I Wheel Brg's.
3145 Handle- Hold Dr. Shaft Flange
3146 Press Support - R&R Ball Joints
3147 Engine Support Adapter
3148 .
3148-2 Press Piece
3149 Pulley Retainer- V-belt removal
3151 Assembly Fixture
3152 Spring Clip - R&R Clutch Pedel
3155 Ring Nut Spanner
3158 Drift Sleeve
3159 Reamer - Piston Pin
3162 Oil Seal Fitting Tool
3163 3 Pronged Puller
3167 Spacer Gauge
3168 Tensioner
3176 Clutch Centering Mandrel, and crankshaft needle bearing press.
3177 Clamp
3178 Centering Plate
3179 Adjusting Tool
3180 Retainer
3183A Socket Wrench
3184 Removal Device
3185 Long T-Handle 10mm Socket for Oil Pan Bolts.
3186 Special Socket Wrench 21MM , same as (HZ2593-21mm)
3187 Assembly Sleeve
3188 Press Tool Support Plate
3190A Mandrel for Centering clutch plate Audi A3 1997 , 5-speed manual gearbox 02J
3191 Belt Tension Damper for G-Charger Engines.
3192 Shift Linkage Gauge
3192-1 .
3193 Shift Linkage Gauge
3194 Press Tool
3195 Fitting/Removing Lever - Discontinued. No Longer Available. Tool used to fit or remove the sliding rood panal lining on VW Corrado. 200mm (8") long and 60mm (2-3/8") wide. White plastic.
3196 Adjusting Device. Front Wheel Camber.
3197 Special Wrench
3198 Puller
3199 Locating Fixtures
32-105 Retaining Nut
32-108 Mandrel
32-109 Driving Sleeve
32-110 Arbor
32-111 Driving Sleeve
32-112 Measuring Gauge
32-114 Thrust Disc
32-119 Sleeve
32-121 Tray
32-124 Adjusting Wrench 2.5MM

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3200 Socket Wrench
3201 Alignment Gauge
3202 Retractor
3203 Seal Remover
3204 Drift- (replaced by T10060)
3206 Press Piece
3207 Pressure Spindle
3208 Suction Cup
3209 Transmission Support
3211 Locating Fixtures
3212 Spanner Wrench
3213 Alignment Fixture
3214 Pump Removal Tool
3215 O Ring Installation Tool
3217 Special wrench for fuel sending unit (KUKKO) 3 prong.
3218 Wrench
3220 Hinged Socket
3227 Engine Bracket
3228 Socket Wrench Insert SW41
3230 .
3231 .
3233 Adjusting Gauge
3235 Press Device New Number (T10246)
3236 Press Piece
3240 Seal Extractor
3241 Seal Installer
3241-5 .
3242 Crankshaft Holder
3243 Camshaft Holder
3244 Pressing On Device
3246 Spring Retainer
3247 Hex Ball Socket
3248B .
3249 Hex Ball Socket
3250 Support Frames, set of 2, 135mm long
3251 Support Bracket
3252 Box Wrench (46MM)
3252A .
3253 Wheel Bearing Assembly Set
3254 Open End Wrench
3255 Adjusting Fixture
3256 Vibration Damper Bracket
3257 Special socket, 1/2" drive, 140mm long. For torsion bar adjustmert. HAZET 2583
3258 Shift Lever Gauge
3259 Tube
3260 Disk
3261 Plug Insert
3263 .
3264 Bearing Driver
3265 Seal Installer
3266 Seal Installer
3267 Assembly Ring
3268 Camshaft Ruler
3269 Engine Support
3270 Camber Adjustment Tool
3271 Torx-Key
3272 Reset and Screwout Tool
3272/1 .
3273 Vibration Damper Support Bkt.
3274 Adapter
3275 Internal Extractor
3276 Pressure Device
3278 Piston Installation Tool
3279 Locking Bar
3280 Piston Ring Clamping Strap
3282 Transmission Support
3282-1-4 Adjustment Plates
3282-2 Adjustment Plate
3282-3 Adapter Plate
3282-4 Adjustment Plate
3282-5 Adjustment Plate
3282-6 Adjustment Plate
3282-8 Adjustment Plate
3282-10 Adjustment Plate
3282-13 Adjustment Plate
3282-14 Adjustment Plate
3282-18 Adjustment Plate
3282-19 Adjustment Plate
3282-23 .
3282-25 .
3282-30 .
3282-48 Adapter
3282-99 Transmission Support Kit
3283 Hub Puller
3284 Adjustment Device
3285 Gearshift Lever Gauge
3286 Shift Lingage Gauge
3287 Ejection Device F/Steering Rod ( replaced by 3287A)
3287A Ball Joint Puller
3288 Assembly Device
3289 Brake Pedel Release Tool
3290 Subframe Support Assm. Device
3291 Assembly Device
3292 Assembly Device
3293 Lower Control Arm Assm. Device
3294 VL Rear Axle Assm. Device
3295 Thrust Piece
3296 Tube
3297 .
3298-USA Alignment Fixture 4W Dr. Shaft
3299 Ribbed Belt Install. Tool
3300A Engine Support, used when installing the 096 transmission
3301 Assembly Tool
3302 Peening Punch
3303 Tensioner . No Longer Available.

3304 .
3306A Pressure Piece, shaft seal on 10F and 018 auto trans with AWD.
3307 Fuel Pump Wrench, 375mm long.
3308 RPM Sensor Adjustment Tool
3309 Release Tool
3310 Socket
3312 Open End Spanner
3313 Adapter
3316 Radio Removal Tool
3317 Spring Retainer
3318 Unlocking Tool
3319 Pressure Piece
3320 Door Adjusting Wrench
3320-2 .
3320-3 .
3321 .
3322 .
3323 Pressure Piece
3325 .
3326 .
3327 .
3328 .
3329 .
3335 Hydraulic Line Connect Tool
3336 Transmission Support Jig.
3337 Ring Spanner 7-Piece Set
3337-9 .
3340 .
3341 Camshaft locating fixture.  95mm.
3342 Matra, Union Nut tool, 1/2" drive, 175mm long. 
3343 .
3345 Press Tool
3346 .
3347 .
3348 .
3349 .
3350 .
3351 .
3352 Adjusting Gauge
Part Number

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3352A . .
3353 Specialty Socket Wrench .
3354 . .
3355 See Elora 1151-32 ring wrench automatic belt tensioner on 2.5 ltr. TDI engine .
3357 Triple Square Socket Driver .
3358B . .
3359 Rig Pin .
3362 . .
3364 . .
3365 . .
3366 Chain Adjust Bracket. Used to remove and install chain adjuster. .
3367 . .
3369 Support Tool .
3370 . .
3371 Adjustment Gauge .
3372 Installation Device .
3373 Lever .
3374 . .
3375 . .
3376 Diesel Injector Socket SW27 .
3378 Fitting Sleeve .
3379 Socket Wrench Insert SW16 .
3381 Oil Line Installer, 120mm long.
3382 Right Sealing Ring Installer .
3383 Double Sealing Ring Installer .
3384 Assembly Mandrel .
3385 Sealing Ring Installer .
3387 Timing Belt install tool. Double-Pin Wrench. 250mm long.
3391 Camshaft Locking Bar V6 , 6-valve engine Audi A4
3392 . .
3393 Testing Mandrel
3398 . .
3400 . .
3402 . .
3403 . .
3403-1 . .
3404 . .
3405 Alignment Fixture 4W Dr. Shaft .
3406 . .
3407 . .
3408 . .
3409 . .
3410 Cylinder Head Socket (See HZ 990SLG-10) .
3411 Support Tool for assembly work, set of 2. 
3412 . .
3415 . .
3415-1 . .
3416 . .
3417 Oil filter wrench-HAZET, 1/2 drive, 14 flats.  .
3418 . .
3419 . .
3420 wheel bearing assembly tool.
3422 . .
3423 . .
3424 Spreader. Used to separate suspension strut from wheel bearing housing. .
3438 . .
3450 . .
3450-2A . .
3450-3 . .
3452 Polydrive Key , replaced by T10070 .
3454 . .
3455 . .
3456 . .
3457 . .
3459 . .
40-20 Sleeve .
40-21 Sleeve .
40-22 Thrust Piece .
40-27 Thrust Piece .
40-103 Sleeve .
40-105 Thrust Piece .
40-200 . .
40-201B Tube socket, suspension work 28mm, 1/2" drive. .
40-203-1 Split Tube .
40-204A Press Block .
40-550 Hooks (2) .
41-1 . .
43-1 . .
44-2 Kukko Puller 120MM Max See KK .
50-200 Socket for rear strut. With 10mm hole. 3mm slots. 17mm outside hex. 14mm long.

80-200 Pry Lever - RMV Outside Mirror, 280mm long.
88750 Oxygen Sensor Wrench .
9204 Oil Filter Wrench .
Part Description

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T10001 Shock Absorber Set
T10005 .
T10006 Releasing Tool
T10007 Refractometer
T10009 Assembly
T10010 Socket Wrench
T10011 Special Screwdriver for door locks.
T10012 Engine/Trans. Support
T10014 Engine Support
T10019 .
T10020 Toothed Belt Tensioner
T10021 Tension Appliance
T10027 Locking pin for adjusting selector mechanism
T10029 Spark Plug Connector Tool, replacement for number 3277.  This is the VW version of the  HZ1849-6 tool.
T10030 Assembly Tool
T10030/1 .
T10030/1A .
T10030/2 .
T10030/3 .
T10030/4 .
T10030/5 .
T10030/6 .
T10031 Support
T10034 Assembly Tool
T10035 Multipoint Socket
T10036 Support
T10037 Puller
T10047 Assembly Tool
T10049 Thrust Piece
T10053 Assembly Tool
T10053/2 .
T10057 Radio Tool
T10058 Hex Ball Socket
T10060 Mandrel
T10062 Support
T10066 Wrench, Haldex Clutch  filter on an Audi TT, trans 02C and 02M.
T10070 Polydrive socket for cylinder head.
T10072 Socket Wrench
T10078 Release Tool
T10092 Tensioning Bolt
T10094  Remove ignition coils
T10112 Spark Plug Socket Remover for New beetle 2.0 engine.
T10221a Puller Coolant Pump Gear

T10222a Puller water pump

T10225 Wrench to set engine timing
T10127 For adjusting washer jet sprays
T10165 Brake Piston Reset Tool. replacement for 3272 .
T40001 Puller
T40004 Wheel Lock Key Set
T40005 Camshaft Adjustment Tool
T40007 Thrust Piece
T40008 Thrust Piece
T40009 Tightener Puller Wrench
T40010 Ball Join Puller
T40011 .
T40012 Adapter
T40021 Adjusting tool, for Camber Audi TT 1999 and up, Audi S3
T40022 Adjusting tool
T40039 remove ignition coils

( Need to buy tools? $$$ click here)
VAG1274 Cooling System Tester
VAG1274-2 Diesel Adapter
VAG1274-3&4 Adapter
VAG1274-8 .
VAG1274-9 .
VAG1274-10 .
VAG1274-99 Pressure Tester Kit
VAG1275 .
VAG1301 .
VAG1306 .
VAG1310A .
VAG1310-1 Adapter M7
VAG1310-3 Adapter M6
VAG1310-6 M 10 Adapter
VAG1310-7 VAG1310 Retrofit Kit
VAG1310-25 .
VAG1315A-1 .
VAG1315A-2 .
VAG1315A-4 Measuring Cable
VAG1318 K-Jetronic tester  .
VAG1318-1 Pressure Gauge Adapter
VAG1318-10 Adapters VAG1318/10,11,12
VAG1318-11 Adapter VAG1318/11
VAG1318-13 Hose Adapter VAG1318/13
VAG1318-15 Adapter
VAG1318-17 .
VAG1318-23 Fuel Line Feed Adapter
VAG1318-25 .
VAG1318-2 Replacement Pressure Gauge
VAG1318-3 T-Hex Wrench 3MM
VAG1318-4 Banjo Adapter
VAG1318-5 Storage Box
VAG1318-6&7 .
VAG1318-8 Pressure Hose With Connectors
VAG1318-9 Valve Adapter
VAG1318-96 Fuel Inj. Pressure Gauge-CIS
VAG1318-97 Pressure Gauge Adapter Set
VAG1318-99 Fuel Inj. Pressure Gauge Set
VAG1323A Compression Tester F / Diesel
VAG1332-5 .
VAG1342 .
VAG1343 .
VAG1348-1A Adjusting Jig
VAG1348-2B Fuel Measuring Unit
VAG1348-3 Remote Control Connection
VAG1348-31 Conversion Kit
VAG1348-32 Adapter Cable
VAG1348-99 CIS Performance Analyzer
VAG1351 .
VAG1354-1 Hose Lead
VAG1354-13 Pressure Reducer
VAG1354-2 Banjo Bolt
VAG1356 .
VAG1356-1 .
VAG1356-2 .
VAG1356-3 .
VAG1356-4 .
VAG1356-5 .
VAG1367-5 Oxygen Sensor Test Harness
VAG1367-6 Connector Cable For O.T. Sensor
VAG1367-9 .
VAG1367-7 TDC Sensor For VAG 1367
VAG1367-8 Inductive Pickup Adapter
VAG1381-10 .
VAG1381-12 Adapter For VAG1323A
VAG1381-8 .
VAG1381-9 .
VAG1383A .
VAG1389A-1 .
VAG1390 .
VAG1397A Turbocharger Tester
VAG1402 Power Steering Tester
VAG1402-1A .
VAG1402-2 Adapter Set
VAG1402-3 Adapter
VAG1402-6 Adapter Hose
VAG1441 Pressure Gauge
VAG1441-02 Bolt And Washers For VAG1441
VAG1441-1 Adapter
VAG1441-99 Pressure Gauge/Limiter Set
VAG1459B Hydraulic wheel bearing tool 
VAG1459B/1 .
VAG1459B/2 Supplementary set used with V.A.G 1459
VAG1466B Electrical Circuit Tester
VAG1466-8 .
VAG1473 Voltage Divider (Harness Adapter)
VAG1474 .
VAG1501 Test Harness
VAG1523A .
VAG1527B Voltage Tester
VAG1550-1 .
VAG1550-2 .
Diagnostic System. More Info Click here.

VAG1551-1 Diagnostic Cable
VAG1551-11 .
VAG1551-3C Diagnostic Cable
VAG1551-US9 Program Card
VAG1552 Mobile Scan Tool
VAG1552-11 Program Card
VAG1558 Temperature Tester
VAG1575 .
VAG1582 Taper Roller Bearing Puller
VAG1582-10 Attachment To VAG1582
VAG1582-2 Gripping Piece
VAG1582-3 Attachment To VAG1582
VAG1582-4 Attachment To VAG1582
VAG1582-5 Attachment To VAG1582
VAG1582-6 Attachment To VAG1582
VAG1582-8 Attachment To VAG1582
VAG1582-9 Attachment To VAG1582
VAG1590 Water Pump Wrench
VAG1594-20 Test Adapter 14 Pole
VAG1594-23 ABS Brake Travel Test Adapter
VAG1594C Connector Test Kit
VAG1598-01 Adapter
VAG1598-2 Adapter
VAG1598-3 Adapter
VAG1598-4 Adapter
VAG1598-5 Adapter
VAG1598-6 Adapter
VAG1598-7 Adapter
VAG1598-8 Adapter
VAG1598-9 Adapter
VAG1598-10 Adapter
VAG1598-11 Adapter
VAG1598-12 Adapter
VAG1598-13 Adapter Cable
VAG1598-14 Test Box (Basic Unit)
VAG1598-15 Case
VAG1598-18 Adapter
VAG1598-19 Adapter (960-Pin) OBD II
VAG1598-20 Adapter (88-Pin) ABS 5 System
VAG1598-21 Adapter (68-Pin)
VAG1598-22 Adapter (68-Pin)
VAG1598-25 Adapter (32 Pin)
VAG1598-27 Adapter For Bosch ABS 5.3
VAG1598-29 Adapter (18-Pin)
VAG1598-31 Adapter (121 Pin)
VAG1598A Test Box
VAG1619 Airbag Tester
VAG1622-23 Retainer And Puller
VAG1630 Digital Potentiometer
VAG1637 Adapter
VAG1669 Hex Extension
VAG1682 CV - Joint Boot Clamp Tool
VAG1687 .
VAG1687-1 .
VAG1702 Pressure Gauge For Auto. Transmission
VAG1710 Bosch ABS Tester
VAG1712 Front Axle Support
VAG1719 A/C Clutch Set
VAG1739 Side Window Installation Tool
VAG1742 Rear Window Installation Tool
VAG1752 Spring Compressor Kit
VAG1752-1 Spring Compressor
VAG1752-2 Spring Mounting Tool
VAG1752-3 2 Spring Holders (60-130MM)
VAG1752-4 2 Spring Holders (80-165MM)
VAG1752-6 Spring Holder For A8
VAG1752-7 Spring Holder For A4
VAG1752-8 Adjustment Gauge For Struts
VAG1755 Window Removing Kit
VAG1763 Compressor Tester
VAG1767 Ignition Tester
VAG1767-3 .
VAG1785 Adapter Set
VAG1786 Air Conditioning Adapter Set
VAG1821 Igniter For Airbag
VAG1878 Universal Straightening Bar. [ HAZET 1973/4 ]
VAG1907 BoltF/Steering Centering
VAG1908 Removal Tool F/AC Shaft Seal
VAG1917 Fender Protectors
VAG1921 Hose Clip Pliers
VAG1922 Spark Plug Connect. Pliers
VAG1923 Open End Spanner Insert for fitting and removing the Audi A8 track rod. (special HAZET 38mm 1/2" dr crowfoot)
VAG1924 ATF Filler Tool
VAG1925 Spacer
VAG1925-3 Adapters (Two In Set)
VAG1925-4 Adapter
VAG1925-6 Adapter For VAG1925
VAG1926 A8 Camber Adjusting Tool
VAG1937 Torx Insert
VAG1952 Torx Screwdriver Insert T30

( Need to buy tools? $$$ click here)
VAS1941 Camber Adjustment Tool
VAS1978 Wiring Harness Repair Kit .
VAS1978-1 Crimp Tool
VAS1978-2 Crimp Tool Die
VAS1978-3 Wire Stripper
VAS1978-4 Terminal Tool
VAS1978-5 Press Tool
VAS1978-6 Installation / Press Tool
VAS1978-7 Press Tool
VAS1978-8 Press Tool
VAS1978-10 Installation Tool
VAS1978-11 Installation Tool
VAS1978-12 Installation Tool
VAS1978-13 Installation Tool
VAS1978-14 Heat Gun
VAS1978-15 Adapter For Heat Gun
VAS1978-19 Replacement Tubes For VAS1978/5
VAS1978-20 Replacement Tubes For VAS1978/6
VAS1978-21 Replacement Tips
VAS1978-22 Replacement Tips For VAS1978/7
VAS1978-23 Replacement Tips For VAS1978/8
VAS1978-24 Crimp Insert For VAS1978-1
VAS1978-25 2-Slot Contact-CU/Crimp Tool
VAS1978-30 Supplementary Kit For VAS1978
VAS1978-31 Supplementary Kit
VAS1978-AR Airbag Repair Kit
VAS5045 Battery Fill Bottle
VAS5051-2 Adapter Cable
VAS5056A Auxiliary Airbag Tester,  replaced by VAS5056B, 
Current number for this tool VAS5056C
VAS5056-2 Adapter Cable
VAS5061 Airbag Adapter
VAS5068 Airbag Adapter For Audi A8
VAS5094 Airbag Adapter
VAS5146 Pressure Plate
VAS5255 Test Adapter (2 Pin)
VAS5256 Test Adapter (2 Pin)
VAS5256-1 Test Adapter (2 Pin)
VAS5257 Test Adapter (3 Pin)
VAS6017A K-lead adapter
JC1000 New Beetle Airbag Removal Tool
JC2000 Spacer Gage

( Need to buy tools? $$$ click here)
US065 Seal Driver - Trans Side Cover
US067 Lever - Adj. Frt. Wheel Camber
US1008A Compressor
US1008A-1 Replacement Band
US1015 Same as Kukko 204-1
See KK
US1018 Depth Gauge 300MM
US1025 Outside Micrometer 0-25MM
US1026 Dial Indicator 039MM-TRAVEL 5MM
US1030 Straight Edge 500MM
US1032-S Set Inside Micrometer 50-100MM
US1033-S Inside Micrometer Set 18-100MM
US1038 Multi-Pt. Socket -8MM
US1041 .
US1050 Outside Micrometer 25-50MM
US1055 Outside Micrometer 50-75MM
US1056 Allen Wrench 10MM
US1057 Caliper Square 300MM
US1058 Extension Dial 3MM
US1059 Extension Dial 6MM
US1060 Extension Dial 14MM
US1061 Extension Dial 18MM
US1062 Extension Dial 21MM
US1063 Extension Dial 28MM
US1064 Turning Torque Wrench
US1065 Torque Wrench-0-50IN/LBS 3/8DR
US1071 Extension Dial 30MM
US1075 Outside Micrometer 75-100 MM
US1080 Battery Filler
US1098 Protractor
US1109 Ring
US1123 CIS Fuel Injector Kit
US1123-1 11MM 3/8 Dr. Allen Wrench
US1123-2 12MM 3/8 Dr. Allen Wrench
US1123-3 13MM 3/8 Dr. Allen Wrench
US1123-4 CIS Injector Puller
US1123-5 10MM 3/8 Drive Allen Wrench
US2598 Box Wrench 12MM-90 Degree
US2775 Deep Socket Wrench 27MM (HAZET 4555N)
US40-103 Press Tube - RMV Frt Bushings
US406 V-Blocks
US4406 .
US4450 Driver Set - Oil Seal
US4450A Handle
US4450-1 Driving Base 44MM
US4450-2 Driving Base 51MM
US4450-3 Driving Disc 70MM
US4450-4 Driving Disc 78MM
US4450-5 Driving Disc 66MM
US4450-6 Driving Disc 70MM
US4450-7 Driving Disc 58MM
US4450-8 Driving Disc 31MM
US4452 Puller
US4462 Oil Filter Wrench
US4462-1 Strap For Wrench
US4463 Socket, 27 MM
US4463A Plug Wrench
US4470A Transmission Support
US4476 Disc Pliers
US4488 Wrench
US4489 J-Hooks (Pick-Up) - Set Of Two
US4493 Special Wrench
US4493 Puller for Diesel Injection Pump Drive Gear. ( Picture 2 )

Valve Stem Seal Installer. Outside diameter is 8mm.  Length is about 3-1/2" inch. Marked US5041 Z. Maybe the "Z" is for Zelenda.

US5042 Stem Seal Installer, replacement for old tool 10-204
US5043 Clutch Adj.
US5044 12MM Multi-Pt. Socket
US5045 Split Socket-22MM
US5047 T-Wrench - Main Jet
US5062 Thrust Pad
US5156-1 SPanner Socket - Frt Shocks
US5693-8 Bushing Puller - Rear Suspen.
US5709-2 Lever - Door Stop Springs
US75 Valve Seat Recon. Set
US8034 Injector Tester - Gas Engines
US8034-7 Adapter - Injector Tester/KE3
US8038 .
US8050 Driver Set
US8050-1 Handle
US8050-2 Driving Disc - 60MM
US8050-3 Driving Disc - 78MM
US8050-4 Driving Disc - 71MM
US8050-5 Driving Disc - 53MM
US8050-6 Driving Disc - 55MM
US8050-8 Knurled Nut
US8050-9 Driving Disc 25 x 50MM
US8050-10 Driving Disc 27 x 60MM
US8050-11 Bolt M12 x 20
US8050-12 .
US8050-13 .
US9000 Sunroof Seal Adjustment Tool
US9010 Seat Zipper Tool Kit
US9025 .
US9201A .
US9204 Millibar Vacuum Gauge Set
US9208 .
US9208-1 .
USG16A .
12-1 Kukko Three Arms Puller
See KK
12-2 Kukko Three Arms Puller
See KK
12-3 Kukko Three Arms Puller
See KK
15-1 Kukko Separator
See KK
15-2 Kukko Separator
See KK
17-0 Kukko Separator
See KK
17-1 Kukko Separator
See KK
17-2 Kukko Separator
See KK
17-3 Kukko Separator
See KK
18-0 Kukko Separator Puller
See KK
18-1 Kukko Separator Puller
See KK
18-2 Kukko Separator Puller
See KK
18-3 Kukko Separator Puller
See KK
20-1 Kukko 2-Arm Puller
See KK
20-10 Kukko 2-Arm Puller
See KK
1-250-P Kukko Extended Arms
See KK
1-90-P Kukko Puller Arms
See KK
21-1 Kukko Puller 12-14.5MM
See KK
21-2 Kukko Extractor 14.5-18.5MM
See KK
21-3 Kukko Extractor 18.5-23.5MM
See KK
21-4 Kukko Extractor 23.5-30MM
See KK
21-5 Kukko Extractor 30-37MM
See KK
21-6 Kukko Extractor 37-46MM
See KK
21-7 Kukko Extractor 46-58MM
See KK
22-1 Kukko Support
See KK
22-2 Kukko Support
See KK
128-1 Kukko Ball Joint Puller
See KK
128-2 Kukko Ball Joint Puller
See KK
204-1 Kukko Puller Steer Arm (same as US1015)
See KK
204-2 Kukko Puller Steer Arm
See KK

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