Samstag Sales Fine German Hand Tools

Dealer in Fine German Made
Hand Tools
Since 1997
Carthage, Tennessee USA

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Hand Tools
Size Table
Last Update:   Nov 11, 2024

British Whitworth Size and Number Reference

You can use the size table on this page to find the size of the Whitworth tool you need. Whitworth tools can be difficult to identify. For example a 1/4W wrench is the same size as a 5/16BS (British Standard) wrench, and it is .525 inches across the flats, or 13.34mm. As you can see, there is no inch or metric wrench of this size. Only a Whitworth size wrench will fit properly! Please measure for your application before ordering Whitworth tools.

Samstag Sales is a dealer of German brand hand tools. In the past the Germans made a lot of British size tools, but they are now starting to phase them out. The Whitworth standard expired a long time ago, and the demand for new Whitworth hand tools is declining. If you need British Whitworth hand tools it is best to buy them now! Be sure to also see our selection of German hand tool brands on our Home Page.

As the tools become no longer available, we will search the countryside for used Whitworth hand tools. Please look for these on our Whitworth Tools Page.

What's in the Box? Visit our Box Deal to find a special price on our current Sale Item.

To buy Whitworth Tools see our Whitworth Tool Web Page.
 To Measure, See the Whitworth Size Chart
British Wrench Size Whitworth
NOTE: You will find some tools marked with both the Whitworth Size and the British Standard Size. It is the same tool! We always use the Whitworth size when quoting a price on these tools.

For help with measuring the Whitworth thread sizes we recommend the Stahlwille 12665/52 Thread Pitch Gauge. See it on our Stahlwille Web Page.

To buy Whitworth Tools see our Whitworth Tool Web Page.

NOTE: You can use the chart below to find the size of the Whitworth wrenches
you need. The chart shows the Whitworth spanner sizes in mm and inches. This
chart also shows the size of British Standard wrenches. For each row it is the
exact same size! It just depends if you are calling the tool a Whitworth or British
Standard size, and if you are measuring the tool in inches or millimeters.  This
same chart is used to measure Whitworth sockets.

British Whitworth Size Chart
Diameter of Bolts
Width Across Flats
8 BA N/A 0.152 3.86
7 BA N/A 0.172 4.37
6 BA N/A 0.193 4.90
5 BA N/A 0.220 5.59
4 BA N/A 0.248 6.30
1/16 W N/A 0.256 6.90
3 BA N/A 0.282 7.16
3/32 W N/A 0.297 7.54
2 BA N/A 0.324 8.23
1/8 W (3/16) 0.340 8.64
1 BA N/A 0.365 9.27
0 BA (7/32) 0.413 10.49
3/16 W 1/4 0.445 11.30
1/4 W 5/16 0.525 13.34
5/16 W 3/8 0.600 15.24
3/8 W 7/16 0.710 18.03
7/16 W 1/2 0.820 20.83
1/2 W 9/16 0.920 23.37
9/16 W 5/8 1.010 25.65
5/8 W (11/16) 1.100 27.94
11/16 W 3/4 1.200 30.48
3/4 W 7/8 1.300 33.02
13/16 W (15/16) 1.390 35.31
7/8 W 1. 1.480 37.59
1. W 1.1/8 1.670 42.42
1.1/8 W 1.1/4 1.860 47.24
1.1/4 W 1.3/8 2.050 52.07
1.3/8 W 1.1/2 2.220 56.39
1.1/2 W 1.5/8 2.410 61.21
1.5/8 W 1.3/4 2.580 65.35
1.3/4 W 2. 2.760 70.10
(1.7/8 W) N/A N/A 76.70
N/A 2.1/4 3.150 80.01
2. W N/A N/A N/A
N/A 2.1/2 3.550 90.17
N/A 2.3/4 3.890 98.81
N/A 3. 4.180 106.17
N/A 3.1/4 4.530 115.06
N/A 3.1/2 4.850 123.19
N/A 3.3/4 5.180 131.57
N/A 4. 5.550 140.97
N/A 4.1/2 6.380 162.05

Whitworth Tool History
The Whitworth Standard was created by an Englishman named Joseph Whitworth in 1841. He also Invented the "Whitworth Sharpshooters" rifle that saw use by the Confederates in the American Civil War. You can read some history about Sir Joseph Whitworth and his many inventions on Wikipedia.

To buy Whitworth Tools see our Whitworth Tool Web Page.

Stahlwille 12665/52 Metric and Whitworth Thread
Horex 2618 102 Whitworth Screw Pitch Gauge
Horex 2636-101 Whitworth 55 Degree Lathe Gauge
Kukko 97-4 Thread
                  File Elora 258-WW Thread File Picard 0001001-0100 English Pattern Cross Pein
Gedore 20 0BA 1/4" Drive British Addociation
                Socket Gedore 20 BA-9 Set 1/4" Drive Elora 3/8"
                  Drive Whitworth Socket Set
Ko-Ken KO3405W/8 Set
                    3/8" Drive Whitworth Socket Set Gedore D19WWSet-7,
                  1/2" Drive Whitworth Socket Set Gedore D19-11/16W, 1/2" Drive Whitworth Socket
                12 Point
Exact EX00836 BSW 3/8" Hand Tap Exact EX00832 BSW 5/16" Hand Tap Exact EX00820 BSW 3/16" Hand Tap
Gedore Combination Wrenches
Gedore 1B-7 W Combination Wrench Set Combination Wrench
                  1/4W Type 205
Set of 6 Elora
                  British Whitworth size Combination Wrenches
Double Ended Offset Ring Spanner 12 point box
Gedore Whitworth Double Open End Spanner
Set of 3 Double Box End Shallow Offset Wrenches
Elora 156S-5A Set of 5 type BA Wrenches
Elora 202BA-0 Combination Spanner

Elora 202S 4BA Combination Wrench Set

If you are looking for wentworth tool size conversion, or wentworth tools, you must have spelled it wrong. The correct spelling is Whitworth.

To Measure, See the Whitworth Size Chart

To buy Whitworth Tools see our
Whitworth Tool Web Page.

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Copyright © 1997-2024
Samstag Sales
Carthage, TN USA